The Netherlands are a safe country, Amsterdam is even rated as one of the top 25 safest cities in the world, ...... but you should be aware of:
- Several incidents on trains from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam, where tourists have been robbed by thieves. Undercover policemen are joining this train trip now.
- Fake policemen claiming to investigate creditcard fraud, showing fake identification and asking tourists to hand over creditcards and money. Travellers are advised to accompany them to the nearest police station.
- Pickpockets, particulary in the center of Amsterdam, the Red Light District and at Central Station.
- Fake medicines (viagra) and fake drugs are sold on the streets of the Red Light District.
- Avoiding making eye contact with anyone who looks like they may be up to no good.
- Using public transport, even late at night, isn't usually a problem, but in doubt take a taxi.
- Locking your bike, keep valuables in a safe place, leave bags not unattended and don't leave valuables (on view) in your car.
If you are robbed, you need to go to a police station to report it. Ask for a copy for your insurance company.